@article{531030, recid = {531030}, author = {Philips, Erasmus,}, title = {Misellaneous [sic] works consisting of essays political and moral By Erasmus Philips, Esq; . [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {printed for Mr. Waller, over-against Fetter-Lane, Fleet-Street; Mr. Lewis, near Tom's Coffee-House, Covent-Garden; Mr. Jackson, and Mr. Joliffe,in St. James's-Street,}, address = {London :}, pages = {[12], 508 p. ;}, year = {1751}, note = {The volume includes: Political reflections, written in 1722; The state of the nation, 1725; The country gentleman (no. 1-84), written in 1726; and a Letter to a gentleman abroad, 1749.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/531030}, }