@article{532740, recid = {532740}, author = {Tans'ur, William,}, title = {The christian warrior properly armed or, the deist unmask'd. Being a faithful defence of the Holy Trinity. For the use of all Christian families. By William Le Tans'ur. Author of The Elements of Music; The Life of Holy David, in Verse; Melodia Sacra, &c. &c. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {printed for and sold by the author; sold also by Fletcher and Hodson, on the Market-Hill, and C. Sharp, Frame-Maker, in St. John's-Lane; and S. Crowder, Pater-Noster-Row, London, "this Book, tho' but for Sixpence sold, "is double worth its Weight in Gold,"}, address = {Cambridge :}, pages = {16p. ;}, year = {1776}, note = {Verse.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/532740}, }