@article{533166, recid = {533166}, author = {Triebner, Christopher Frederic.}, title = {An essay, to lay open the gospel in its original purity, by a twelvefold paraphrase on the first gospel promise, Made by God, in Paradise, unto the two first Representatives of the Human - Race, immediately after the Fall. (recorded in Genesis, iii. 14, 15.) wherein Twelve different Attributes of the Supreme Being; The Divine Conduct towards Mankind, as Moral Agents; the original Nature and Effects of Moral Evil; the spiritual Office of Christ, the Mediator, in his human and divine Nature; the Means and Effects of regenerating, justifying, and sanctifying Grace; with the progressive Glory of persevering Believers: - are illustrated, and made intelligible to the meanest Capacity, from Reason and Scripture, as far as the Nature of a Paraphrase would admit. By Christopher Fredk Triebner, Late Missionary of the Honourable Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge at Ebenezer, in Georgia; but now Minister of a Lutheran Congregation, in Brown's-Lane, Spital-Fields, London. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {printed for the author, by Isaac Garner. And sold by W. Nicoll, No. 51, St. Paul's Church-Yard; J. Denis, No. 2, New Bridge-Street; T. Scollick, City Road, Moorfields; and the printer, No. 57, Wych-Street, Strand,}, address = {London :}, pages = {80p. ;}, year = {1788}, note = {Reproduction of original from British Library.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/533166}, }