@article{568334, recid = {568334}, author = {Eminent Barrister at Law.}, title = {The gentleman, merchant, tradesman, lawyer, and Debtor's Pocket Guide, in cases of arrest; containing instructions against the imposition and extortion of the bailiff, goaler, &c. Shewing, How a Person is to conduct himself on an Arrest: The Sheriff's Power in taking or refusing Bail: The Remedy a Person has against an Officer for Extortion on taking Bail, or for any Severity or Ill-Usage in a Lock-up House: The Charges such Houses have a Right to make, with the Remedy against them if they exceed their Bounds: The Method of putting in and perfecting Bail above on the Return of the Writ, to prevent the Bail being fixed, and the Plaintiff obtaining an Assignment of the Bail-Bond; with an Account of the Fees the Sheriff and his Officers are entitled to on different Process. Attornies Charges on Arrests in the several Courts. The best and most approved Method of bringing the Writ of Habeas Corpus, with plain and apt Instructions for conducting the same, and the real Expences thereof as settled by the Master and Prothonotaries of the respective Courts; with Directions for procuring the Rules of the King's-Bench and Fleet Prisons, and the Expences of same. With a particular Account of several County Gaols, the Fees due to Gaolers, Gifts to Prisoners, &c. and many other Particulars. To which is added, the method how a prosecutor may recover rewards on Conviction of Highwaymen, Horse or Sheep-Stealers, House-Breakers, and Murderers, together with the Allowance to Witnesses for the reasonable Expences and lost Time in attending Assizes on the different Prosecutions of Felons, &c. The whole corrected, revised, and collected, by an eminent barrister at law. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {printed and sold by W. Gye, Westgate-Buildings, and to be had of most of the booksellers,}, address = {Bath :}, pages = {[2],vi,[2],160p. ;}, year = {1785}, note = {With a preliminary testimonial leaf dated: Bristol, January 28, 1785.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/568334}, }