@article{585834, recid = {585834}, author = {Hill, John,}, title = {The virtues of honey in preventing many of the worst disorders and in the certain cure of several others: particulary the gravel, asthmas, coughs, hoarseness, and a tough morning phlegm. With A particular Direction of the Manner of taking it for the Cure of Consumptions. To which is prefix'd An Account of the Origin and Nature of Honey; Its various Kinds, English and Foreign; and the Marks which distinguish them: also a Method to obtain Honey as fine in England as from any Part of the World; and the best Ways of taking it. With The Genuine Receipt for the Syrup of Capillaire as made in Italy; and for the celebrated Aristaean Confection. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {printed for J. Davis, in Piccadilly; and M. Cooper, in Pater Noster-Row,}, address = {London :}, pages = {54p. ;}, year = {1759}, note = {Anonymous. By John Hill.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/585834}, }