@article{598264, recid = {598264}, author = {Presbyter of the Church of England.}, title = {Authentick memoirs of the life and conduct of the Reverend Dr. Codex: from his infancy to the present time: Containing, His Birth, Parentage and Education, his being designed for the Law, but all of a sudden turning Parson, and from a Jacobite to a profess'd Whig. Doctor Codex a noted Author, his Writing a voluminous Work, his Ingratitude to his Bookseller. Taken Notice of by Archbishop - and made his Librarian and Rector of L- The strange Rise of his Fortune, being made a B- and a vehement Opposer of the late Dr. Atterbury. Dr. Codex a consummate Courtier, and his intermeddling between the P- M- r and L- C-r about the B-k of Gl-r. His Rancour and Malice shewn to Dr. R- with many other curious Remarks about the Means he has taken to pave his Way to L-. By a Presbyter of the Church of England [electronic resource].}, publisher = {printed for T. Cooper in the Strand, and sold by the booksellers in town and country,}, address = {London :}, pages = {20,17-55,[1]p. ;}, year = {1735}, note = {Dr. Codex = Edmund Gibson, Bishop of London.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/598264}, }