An enquiry into the melancholy circumstances of Great Britain: more particularly in regard to the oeconomy of private families and persons, gentlemen, clergy, Farmers, Merchants, Tradesmen, Mechanicks, &c. With Observations on the New Methods of Living and Diversions in both City and Country, with some Remedies to prevent the Ruin of private Families; and Remarks upon our Trade in general, and especially of such Commodities as are imported for Luxury, or injurious to our Manufactures. Also some Hints to prevent the growing Poverty of these Nations [electronic resource].
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An enquiry into the melancholy circumstances of Great Britain: more particularly in regard to the oeconomy of private families and persons, gentlemen, clergy, Farmers, Merchants, Tradesmen, Mechanicks, &c. With Observations on the New Methods of Living and Diversions in both City and Country, with some Remedies to prevent the Ruin of private Families; and Remarks upon our Trade in general, and especially of such Commodities as are imported for Luxury, or injurious to our Manufactures. Also some Hints to prevent the growing Poverty of these Nations [electronic resource].
Publication Details
London : printed for W. Bickerton in Fleet-Street, [1740?]
Place of Publication or Printing
Great Britain -- England -- London.
[8],47,[1]p. ; 8⁰.
With a half-title.
Reproduction of original from British Library.
Reproduction of original from British Library.
Access Note
Access limited to authorized users.
Indexed In
English Short Title Catalog, T75757.
Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Cengage Gale, 2009. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements.
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