@article{605690, recid = {605690}, author = {Duncan, William,}, title = {The history of the lives and reigns of the Kings of Scotland From Fergus the First King, continued to the Commencement of the Union of the Two Kingdoms of Scotland and England In the Year of the Reign of our Late Sovereign Queen Anne, Anno Domini, 1707. To which is added, an account of the rebellion in Scotland in the Year, 1715. As also, a description of the Kingdom of Scotland, and the Isles thereunto belonging; with the Names, Sir-Names and Titles of the Peers, with the Dates of their Creation; the Names of the Clans and Families of Distinction, and their Chiefs; and the Laws and Government in Church and State By an impartial hand [electronic resource].}, publisher = {printed by John Harding for the author,}, address = {Dublin :}, pages = {[24],188,[36]p. ;}, year = {1722}, note = {An impartial hand = William Duncan.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/605690}, }