@article{607607, recid = {607607}, author = {Jenkins, Charles,}, title = {England's triumph: or, Spanish cowardice expos'd. Being a compleat history of the many signal victories gain'd by the Royal Navy and merchant ships of Great Britain, for the term of four hundred years past, over the insulting and haughty Spaniards. Wherein is particularly related A true and genuine Account of all the Expeditions, Voyages, Adventures, &c. of all the British Admirals from the Time above-mention'd, whose Successes have already filled all Europe with Amazement. By Capt. Charles Jenkins, Who has too sensibly felt the Effects of Spanish Tyranny [electronic resource].}, publisher = {[s.n.],}, address = {London :}, pages = {348p.,plates ;}, year = {1739}, note = {First published with the title: 'Spanish insolence corrected by English bravery'.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/607607}, }