TY - BOOK AU - Beeton, Alfred Merle, AU - Barker, James M., CN - QC909 CN - QC909 CY - Milwaukee, DA - [1974] ID - 61497 KW - Water KW - Thermal pollution of rivers, lakes, etc. N1 - Study conducted 1 August, 1971 - 31 July, 1973. N1 - Final report. N1 - Prepared for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract no. AT(11-1)-2160. N1 - (COO-2160-9) PB - University of Wisconsin, Center for Great Lakes Studies PP - Milwaukee, PY - [1974] T1 - Investigation of the influence of thermal discharge from a large electric power station on the biology and near-shore circulation of Lake Michigan. Part A: Biology. TI - Investigation of the influence of thermal discharge from a large electric power station on the biology and near-shore circulation of Lake Michigan. Part A: Biology. VL - no. 18 ER -