

Weales, G. Edward Albee: don't make waves.
Esslin, M. The Theatre of the Absurd: Edward Albee.
Way, B. Albee and the Absurd: The American dream and The zoo story.
Zimbardo, R. A. Symbolism and naturalism in Edward Albee's The zoo story.
Debusscher, G. The death of Bessie Smith.
Schechner, R. Who's afraid of Edward Albee?
Schneider, A. Why so afraid?
Schechner, R. Reality is not enough: an interview with Alan Schneider.
Clurman, H. Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Trilling, D. The riddle of Albee's Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Rutenberg, M. E. The ballad of the sad café.
Hewes, H. The Tiny Alice caper.
Roth, P. The play that dare not speak its name.
Franzblau, A. N. A psychiatrist looks at Tiny Alice.
Stewart, R. S. John Gielgud and Edward Albee talk about the theater.
Bigsby, C. W. E. Tiny Alice.
Brustein, R. Albee decorates an old house: A delicate balance.
Paolucci, A. A vision of Baal: A delicate balance.
Bigsby, C. W. E. Box and Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung: Albee's diptych.
Hewes, H. Death prattle.
Bigsby, C. W. E. To the brink of the grave: Edward Albee's All over.

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