@article{616421, recid = {616421}, title = {A Collection of remarkable cases, for the instruction of both sexes, in the business of love and gallantry. Being a modest and clear view of the three following tryals. Viz. I. Of Richard Lyddel, Esq; for a criminal conversation with Lady Abergavenny. II. Of Knox Ward, Esq; for a promise of marriage to Miss Sarah Holt. III. Of Coll. Francis Chartres, for a rape committed on the body of Anne Bond, his servant. Containing the substance of three six penny pamphlets (call'd tryals) on these subjects. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {Printed by J. W. for J. Catturns, near the Royal Exchange, Cornhill, and sold by the booksellers in town and country,}, address = {London :}, pages = {28p. ;}, year = {1730}, note = {Price in square brackets: (Price Six-Pence.)}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/616421}, }