@article{616950, note = {Price on title page: (Price 2d. or 18d. per Dozen.)}, author = {Brainerd, John,}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/616950}, title = {A genuine letter from Mr. John Brainard, employed by the Scotch Society for Propagating the Gospel, a missionary to the Indians in America, and minister to a congregation of Indians, at Bethel in East Jersey. To his friend in England. Giving an account of the success of his labours, as well as the difficulties and discouragements that attend his mission among those savages. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {Printed for J. Ward, at the King's-Arms in Cornhill,}, recid = {616950}, pages = {16p. ;}, address = {London :}, year = {1753}, }