@article{619345, recid = {619345}, author = {Ambrose, Isaac,}, title = {The complete works of that eminent minister of God's word, Mr. Isaac Ambrose: consisting of the following treatises: viz. I. Prima, media, & ultima; or, the First, Middle, and Last Things: Wherein is Set Forth, 1. The Doctrine of Regeneration; Or, The New Birth. 2. Of Sanctification, in the Means, Duties, and Ordinances, both public and private, for Encrease and Continuance of a Godly Life. 3. Certain Meditations on Man's Misery, in his Life, Death, Judgment; and on Heaven and Hell: As also, on God's Mercy in Man's Redemption and Salvation. II. Looking unto Jesus, as carrying on the Great Work of Man's Salvation. III. War with devils, Ministration of and Communion with Angels. IV. With a sermon added concerning redeeming the time [electronic resource].}, publisher = {printed for J. Chater, No. 39, King-Street, Cheapside,}, address = {London :}, pages = {[6],656,[10]p. ;}, year = {1769}, note = {The last three items have separate titlepages bearing the imprint: Aberdeen: printed by James Chalmers. MDCCLXIX.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/619345}, }