@article{621899, note = {One of the pamphlets issued in connection with Sir Robert Montgomery's abortive scheme for colonizing a tract of land between the rivers Altamaha and Savannah, under the name margravate of Azilia. Golden Islands are four; their names are St. Symon, Sapella, or Sapola, Santa Catarina, and Ogeche, now called Montgomerie (N.U.C.).}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/621899}, title = {A description of the Golden Islands, with an account of the undertaking now on foot for making a settlement there: Explaining, 1st, The Nature of that Design, in general. 2dly, The Measures already taken: And, 3dly, Those intended to be taken hereafter [electronic resource].}, publisher = {printed and sold by J. Morphew near Stationers-Hall,}, recid = {621899}, pages = {45,[1]p. ;}, address = {London :}, year = {1720}, }