@article{626986, recid = {626986}, author = {Meanwell, Toby.}, title = {A voyage through Hell, by the invincible man of war, Capt. Single-Eye, commander. Dedicated to your grand father. Out of the Eater came forth Meat, And out of the Strong came forth Sweetness. Laugh where we must, be candid where we can, But vindicate the Ways of God to Man. Evil be to him that Evil thinks. To the Pure all Things are pure. And a Mighty Angel Took up a Stone, Like A Great Millstone, and Cast it into the Sea, Saying, thus with Violence Shall that Great City Babylon be Thrown Down, and Shall be Found No More at all [electronic resource].}, publisher = {printed in the year, 1770; and sold by Richardson and Urquhart, at the Royal Exchange; S. Bladon, Pater-Noster-Row; and G. Woodfall, Charing-Cross,}, address = {London :}, pages = {[3],vi-xxiv,258p. ;}, year = {1770}, note = {The dedication signed: Toby Meanwell, a pseudonym.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/626986}, }