@article{628547, recid = {628547}, author = {Caulfield, James,}, title = {Blackguardiana: or, a dictionary of rogues, bawds, pimps, whores, pickpockets, shoplifters, ... illustrated with eighteen portraits of the most remarkable professors in every species of villainy. Interspersed with many curious anecdotes, cant terms, flash songs, &c. The whole intended to put society on their guard against depredators; ... [electronic resource].}, publisher = {Printed for, and sold by John Shepherd, at the Golden Farmer, Bagshot; Sir John Falstaff; Sir Henry Morgan; Charles Maclean; Mary Cut-Purse; Mary Flanders; Mary Carleton and Betty Ireland,}, address = {[London] :}, pages = {[2],vii,[235]p.,plates ;}, year = {1793}, note = {Attributed to James Caulfield.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/628547}, }