@article{629493, recid = {629493}, author = {Aston, Walter Aston,}, title = {The restauration of King Charles II. or, the life and death of Oliver Cromwell. An histori-tragi-comi ballad opera. As it was forbid to be acted at the New Theatre in the Hay-Market [electronic resource].}, publisher = {printed for R. Walker, near the Ship Tavern, Charing-Cross,}, address = {London :}, pages = {[4],vii,[1],54,[2]p. ;}, year = {1732}, note = {Dedication signed: Walter Aston, usually taken to refer to Walter Aston, 4th Baron, but has also been ascribed to the son of the actor Anthony Aston. Cf. T. S. Graves 'Journal of Eng. & Germanic philology' v.20, p.394.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/629493}, }