@article{637675, recid = {637675}, title = {A curious hieroglyphick Bible or, select passages in the Old and New Testaments, represented with emblematical figures, for the amusement of youth: designed chiefly To familiarize tender Age, in a pleasing and diverting Manner, with early Ideas of the Holy Scriptures. To which are subjoined, a short account of the lives of the evangelists, and other pieces, illustrated with cuts. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {printed for T. Hodgson, in George's-Court, St. John's-Lane, Clerkenwell: and sold by I. and W. Clarke, booksellers, Manchester,}, address = {London :}, pages = {[4],136p. :}, year = {1788}, note = {Another issue omits "I. and W. Clarke, booksellers, Manchester" from the imprint.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/637675}, }