The gentleman's stable directory; or, Modern system of farriery. [electronic resource] : Comprehending all the most valuable prescriptions and approved remedies, accurately proportioned and properly adapted to every known disease to which the horse is incident; interspersed with occasional references to the dangerous and almost obsolete practice of Gibson, Bracken, Bartlet, Osmer, and others; also particular directions for buying, selling, feeding, bleeding, purging, and getting into condition for the chase; with experimental remarks upon the management of draft horses, their blemishes and defects. To which is now added a supplement, containing practical observations upon thorn wounds, punctured tendons, and ligamentary lameness. With ample instructions for their treatment and cure; illustrated by a recital of cases, including a variety of useful remarks. With a successful method of treating the canine species, in that destructive disease called the distemper. Inscribed to Sir John Lade, bart. By William Taplin, surgeon.
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The gentleman's stable directory; or, Modern system of farriery. [electronic resource] : Comprehending all the most valuable prescriptions and approved remedies, accurately proportioned and properly adapted to every known disease to which the horse is incident; interspersed with occasional references to the dangerous and almost obsolete practice of Gibson, Bracken, Bartlet, Osmer, and others; also particular directions for buying, selling, feeding, bleeding, purging, and getting into condition for the chase; with experimental remarks upon the management of draft horses, their blemishes and defects. To which is now added a supplement, containing practical observations upon thorn wounds, punctured tendons, and ligamentary lameness. With ample instructions for their treatment and cure; illustrated by a recital of cases, including a variety of useful remarks. With a successful method of treating the canine species, in that destructive disease called the distemper. Inscribed to Sir John Lade, bart. By William Taplin, surgeon.
The tenth edition, considerably enlarged, and carefully corrected.
Publication Details
London : Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinsons, Paternoster-row; and G. Kearsley, Fleet-street, [1790?]
Place of Publication or Printing
Great Britain -- England -- London.
xxiv,519,[1]p.,plate : port. ; 8⁰.
Edition statement from head of titlepage.
With a half-title.
A variant of the edition with a colon after "farriery" on the title page.
Reproduction of original from British Library.
With a half-title.
A variant of the edition with a colon after "farriery" on the title page.
Reproduction of original from British Library.
Access Note
Access limited to authorized users.
Indexed In
English Short Title Catalog, N65765.
Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Cengage Gale, 2009. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements.
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