@article{654262, recid = {654262}, title = {An new and useful list of the two Houses of Parliament. Containing the names of all the great officers, dukes, marquisses, earls, viscounts, bishops, barons, knights, commissioners of shires, citizens, and burgesses of this present Parliament. Together with the names of the counties, shires, cities, towns, and boroughs, that each member of the Commons serves for. In which also the knights of the garter, privy counsellors, peers under age, and such of the Commons as were not members of the former Parliament, are particularly distinguished. The whole carefully compleated to this time, from the many alterations that have happen'd by death, undue elections, double returns, or promotions. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {Printed by Hen. Cross-grove,}, address = {Norwich :}, pages = {24p. ;}, year = {1725}, note = {Reproduction of original from Bodleian Library (Oxford).}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/654262}, }