@article{661435, recid = {661435}, title = {The Prodigal daughter or the disobedient lady reclaimed, In five parts I. Shewing how a rich lords daughter in Bristol, run away from her father and mother, and how she came home again, and how they stript her of all her pride, giving her there good advice. II. Shewing how the devil appeared to her, and tempt her to poison her father and mother. III. Shewing how an angel appeared to her father and mother in a vision, and forewarned them of her plot. IV. Shewing how she fell in a trance and saw the joys of heaven, and the torments of hell. V. Shewing how she came to herself again, and became a good Christian. Enter'd according to order. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {s.n.,}, address = {[London? :}, pages = {8p. ;}, year = {1775}, note = {Verse.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/661435}, }