The landed-man's assistant: or, Steward's vade mecum. [electronic resource] : Containing the newest, most plain and perspicous method of keeping the accompts of estates yet extant. Useful for gentlemen, lawyers, cashiers, bailiffs, rent-gatherers, &c. Being a compendious form of taking a survey of an estate in hand, or on lives, with an abstract of the same: also an inventory of cash, stock, debts, &c. The method of entering lives dropt, and new leafes granted; together with a cash-book, and an abstract of receipts and disbursements; also the method of charging and discharging each tenant's accompts. By George Clerke, steward to a person of quality.
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The landed-man's assistant: or, Steward's vade mecum. [electronic resource] : Containing the newest, most plain and perspicous method of keeping the accompts of estates yet extant. Useful for gentlemen, lawyers, cashiers, bailiffs, rent-gatherers, &c. Being a compendious form of taking a survey of an estate in hand, or on lives, with an abstract of the same: also an inventory of cash, stock, debts, &c. The method of entering lives dropt, and new leafes granted; together with a cash-book, and an abstract of receipts and disbursements; also the method of charging and discharging each tenant's accompts. By George Clerke, steward to a person of quality.
Publication Details
London : Printed, and are sold by C. King in Westminster-Hall, J. Graves in St. James Street, T. Woodward in Fleet-street, and F. Symson in Cornbill, [1712?]
Place of Publication or Printing
Great Britain -- England -- London.
[9],49,[1]p. ; 12⁰.
Dated on internal evidence.
Price on title page: Pr. 1s.
Reproduction of original from University of London's Goldsmiths' Library.
Price on title page: Pr. 1s.
Reproduction of original from University of London's Goldsmiths' Library.
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Access limited to authorized users.
Indexed In
Goldsmiths', 4860
English Short Title Catalog, T205305.
English Short Title Catalog, T205305.
Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Cengage Gale, 2009. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements.
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