@article{663262, recid = {663262}, author = {Jervoise, Thomas. and Rudyerd, Benjamin,}, title = {John Bayes and Sophia his wife, - - - plts. Richard Bird and Katharine his wife, Sophia Zouch, an infant, by the said Katharine her mother and guardian, the apppellants, and James Feild, gent. since deceased, (father of the respondent James Feild) and others, - - - - - - defts. Thomas Jervoise and Benjamin Rudyerd, Esqs; - appellants. The said Richard Bird and his wife, - - plts. The said John Bayes and his wife, the said appellants, and James Feild, deceased, and others, defts. The said Sophia Zouch, by her next friend, - plt. The said John Bayes and his wife, the said Richard Bird and his wife, the said appellants, and the said James Feild deceased, and others, - - defts. James Feild, gent. respondent. The attorney-general at the relation of Richard Rogers, and others, - - - - plts. The said John Bayes and his wife, the said Richard Bird and his wife, the said appellants, and the said James Feild, deceased, and others, - - defts. The appellants case [electronic resource].}, publisher = {s.n.,}, address = {[London :}, pages = {3,[1]p. ;}, year = {1731}, note = {Drop-head title.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/663262}, }