@article{663537, recid = {663537}, title = {Treaty of peace and commerce, between Great Britain and the Kingdom of Tripoli, concluded at Tripoli, September 19, 1751. Treaty of peace and commerce, between Great Britain and the state of Tunis, concluded at the palace of Bardo near Tunis, October 19, 1751. Additional article to the ancient treaties subsisting between His Britannick Majesty, and the dey and government of Algiers, concluded at Algiers the third day of June 1851. Published by authority. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {Printed by Edward Owen in Warwick Lane,}, address = {[London] :}, pages = {[4],11,[3],10,[4]p. ;}, year = {1752}, note = {The two final leaves comprise the additional article.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/663537}, }