@article{666099, note = {Published in 80 weekly parts from 1784 to 1786.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/666099}, title = {A New, authentic, and complete collection of voyages round the world, undertaken and performed by royal authority. Containing a new, authentic, entertaining, instructive, full, and complete historical account of Captain Cook's first, second, third and last voyages, undertaken by order of His Present Majesty, for making new discoveries in geography, navigation, astronomy, &c. in the southern and northern hemispheres, &c. &c. &c. And successively performed in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771-1772, 1773, 1774, 1775-1776, 1777, 1778; 1779, 1780. His first voyage-being professedly undertaken in His Majesty's ship the endeavour, for observing the transit of Venus, and for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and round the world. His second-in the resolution and adventure, for making further discoveries towards the south pole, and round the world. His third and last-in the resolution and discovery, to the Pacific Ocean, for making discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere, and to determine the position and extent of the west side of North America; its distance from Asia; and the practicability of a northern passage to Europe. Comprehending, among the greatest variety of the most interesting transactions, a faithful account of all the particulars relative to the unfortunate death of Capt. Cook, with his life, &c. &c. Including likewise all the curious remarks communicated to this country by Capt. Cook's principal assistants in performing and conducting these celebrated voyages, viz. Sir Joseph Banks, Dr. Solander, Dr. King, Dr. Hawkesworth, Dr. Forster, Mr. Forster, Capt. Clerke, Capt. Gore, Mr. Ellis, &c. &c. Together with a narrative of Capt. Furneaux's proceedings in the adventure during the separation of the ships in the second voyage, during which period several of his people were destroyed by the natives of Queen Charlotte's sound. To which will be added, complete and genuine narratives of other voyages of discovery round the world, &c. undertaken, performed, and written by English circum-navigators, &c. under the sanction of government, viz. those of Lord Byron, Capt. Wallis, Capt. Carteret, Lord Mulgrave, Lord Anson, Mr. Parkinson, Capt. Lutwidge, Mess. Ives, Middleton, Smith, Moore, &c. &c. &c. Including a faithful relation of the substance of all the most remarkable and important travels and journeys, which have been undertaken at various times to the different quarters of the world; particularly those of Hanway, Hamilton, Herbert, Drummond, Pocock, Shaw, Stuart, Kalm, Carver, Dalrymple, Burnet, Addison, Barretti, Keysler, Thickness, Twiss, Brydone, Chandler, Johnson, Smollet, Moore, Wraxall, &c. The whole comprehending a full account, from the earliest period to the present time, of whatever is curious, entertaining, and useful, both by sea and land, in the various countries of the known world, faithfully extracted from the original journals of the respective voyagers, &c. &c. &c. Being the most accurate, elegant, and perfect edition, of the whole of Capt. Cook's voyages and discoveries; &c. Ever published, and written in a more pleasing and elegant stile than any other work of the kind. Illustrated with (besides the curious and interesting cuts for Capt. Cook's first and second voyages, &c. &c. &c.) all the elegant, splendid, and fine large folio copper-plates, belonging to his third and last voyage, being views of places, portraits of persons, and historical representations of remarkable incidents during this celebrated navigator's voyage to the Pacific Ocean; together with all the necessary maps, charts, plans, draughts, &c. Shewing the tracks of the ships, and relative to countries now first discovered, or hitherto but imperfectly known; the whole (amounting to upwards of one hundred and fifty copper-plates, containing about two hundred and twenty most elegant and superb engravings) sinely engraved and accurately copied from the originals by the most eminent masters. It is proper to observe, that some other editions of these works (unnecessarily extended to many large volumes, by loose printing, blank paper, and other artisices practised by mercenary persons) would cost a purchaser the enormous sum of upwards of twenty guineas; so that many thousands of persons who would with to peruse the valuable discoveries so partially communicated to the world, and view the astonishing fine copper-plates, have hitherto been excluded from gratifying their eager curiosity; but this edition, by being published in only eighty six-penny numbers, (making, when completed, either one or two very large handsome volumes in folio) enables every person, whatever may be his circumstances, to become familiarly acquainted with those extraordinary and important voyages and discoveries, in the performance and prosecution of which such vast sums of the public money have been expended. Therefore as the price of this work is rendered so moderate and easy, the whole of Capt. Cook's voyages, &c. will be more universally read, and the obvious intention of the King and government, that the improvements and discoveries in these celebrated voyages might be communicated to the whole world, will of course be more fully answered. The whole of these voyages of Capt. James Cook, &c. being newly written by the editors from the authentic journals of several principal officers and other gentlemen of the most distinguished naval and philosophical abilities, who sailed in the various ships; and now publishing under the immediate direction of George William Anderson, Esq. assisted, very materially, by a principal officer who sailed in the resolution sloop, and by many other gentlemen of the Royal Navy. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {Printed for Alex. Hogg, at the original King's-Arms, No. 16, Pater-Noster-Row,}, recid = {666099}, pages = {655,[5]p.,plates :}, address = {London :}, year = {1786}, }