

1. Latin America in the twenty-first century:
The future of US-Latin American relations
Gini back in the bottle: an unequal continent is becoming less so / by The Economist, October 12, 2013
Analysis: Obama faces Latin America revolt over drugs, trade / by Brian Winter, Reuters, November 9, 2012
The shameful legacy of the Monroe Doctrine: militarizing Latin America / by Conn Hallinan,, January 16, 2013
Obama seeks CEO's help in Latin America / by Jim Kuhnhenn, Associated Press, April 14, 2012
Remarks by President Obama at CEO Summit of Americas / by President Barack H. Obama,, April 14, 2011
Latin America and the United States: Looking towards 2020 / by Sergio Bitar, Inter-American Dialogue, September 7. 2011
2. NAFTA twenty years later:
Assessing NAFTA
In our opinion: NAFTA's success shows importance of free trade / by Deseret News, August 15, 2012
After some sluggish years, NAFTA creates border boomtowns / by Monica Ortiz Uribe, Fronteras, October 18, 2012
Last great interstate: a NAFTA highway fraught with controversy / by Terri Hall, Examiner, December 18, 2012
The failures of NAFTA / by Catie Duckworth, Council on Hemispheric Affairs, June 19, 2012
NAFTA: birth of a free trade world / by Devin Browne and Jill Replogle, Fronteras, September 4, 2012
Remarks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) on Latin America / by Hillary Rodham Clinton, US Department of State, March 18, 2011

3. After Castro: Cuba's revolution at crossroads:
Cuba: an imminent thaw?
U.S. aggression towards Cuba continues: increase in U.S. support to counter-revolutionary groups / by Liberation, August 30. 2012
U.S.-Cuba policy: ending 50 years of failure / by Colonel Lawrence B. Wilkerson, USA (Ret), US Senate Committee on Finance, December 11, 2007
Cuban economy is still stagnant despite reforms: Cuban National /by Christopher Witrak, Minyanville, December 4, 2012
Time to end the Cuba embargo / by Doug Bandow, The National Interest, December 12, 2012
4. Venezuela's socialist experiment:
Venezuela post Chávez
On the legacy of Hugo Chávez / by Greg Grandin, The Nation, March 5, 2103
Chávez or not, it's time to rethink the U.S.-Venezuela relationship / by Dane Bryant, World Politics Review, September 28, 2012
Hugo Chávez: man against the world / by Richard Gott, New Statesman, January 30, 2013
Chávez's economics lesson for Europe / by Richard Gott, The Guardian, May 16, 2012
Investors who think Venezuela's economy will open up after Chávez have another thing coming / by Linette Lopez, Business Insider, January 5, 2013
5. The rise of Mexico:
The United States and Mexico: achieving a balance
The ebbing Mexican wave / by Economist, November 24, 2012
Remarks to the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America / by Jose W. Fernandez, US Department of State, February 7, 2013
Immigration reform and the English language / by Kevin Drum, Mother Jones, January 29, 2013
Ambassador Wayne's remarks at U.S. Chamber breakfast / by Ambassador to Mexico, E. Anthony Wayne, Embassy of the United States, Mexico, February 11, 2013
For returning migrants, good news about Mexico's economy doesn't apply / by Monica Ortiz Uribe,, December 31, 2012
A more ambitious agenda: a report of the Inter-American Dialogue's commission on Mexico-US relations / by Carla Hills and Ernesto Zedillo, Inter-America Dialogue, February 13, 2013
Highlighting the US-Mexico economic relationship / by Jose W. Fernandez, US Department of State, January 18, 2013
6. Poverty and inequality in the Americas:
The economics of women and children
Poverty in Latin America lowest in three decades, U.N. says / by Associated Press, November 28, 2012
Poverty and inequality / by Equity for, November 27, 2012
Talking about poverty with Greg Kaufmann / by Theresa Riley, Bill, October 31, 2012
Remarks by President Obama on Latin America in Santiago, Chile / by President Barack H. Obama,, March 21, 2011.

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