The neat duties, (all discounts and abatements deducted) of all merchandize, specified in the book of rates. [electronic resource] : Begun in the 12. of car.2. with the several variations to this present year, 1715. In vulgar arithmetick. Each article being calculated to an hundred part of a penny; being design'd for merchants, &c. that at a view in one line may be seen the neat duties and draw-backs on any merchandize mention'd in the book of rates, with their several valuations. And also, the Turkey or Levant, Company's duties, viz. impositions, consulage, how many hundred weight goes to a ton of each commodity, and the freight they usually have for the same tonnage, from Constantinople, Smyrna, Aleppo, and Cyprus; and a list of all goods prohibited to be imported and exported. The third edition, with additions. By Thomas Langham, of London, broker.
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The neat duties, (all discounts and abatements deducted) of all merchandize, specified in the book of rates. [electronic resource] : Begun in the 12. of car.2. with the several variations to this present year, 1715. In vulgar arithmetick. Each article being calculated to an hundred part of a penny; being design'd for merchants, &c. that at a view in one line may be seen the neat duties and draw-backs on any merchandize mention'd in the book of rates, with their several valuations. And also, the Turkey or Levant, Company's duties, viz. impositions, consulage, how many hundred weight goes to a ton of each commodity, and the freight they usually have for the same tonnage, from Constantinople, Smyrna, Aleppo, and Cyprus; and a list of all goods prohibited to be imported and exported. The third edition, with additions. By Thomas Langham, of London, broker.
Publication Details
London : Printed for the author, and John Brotherton, at the Bible in Threadneedle-Street, near the Royal-Exchange, 1715. Where may be had the rules of the Water-Side, 1715.
Place of Publication or Printing
Great Britain -- England -- London.
[4],172p. ; 8⁰.
Reproduction of original from National Library of Scotland.
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Access limited to authorized users.
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English Short Title Catalog, T225753.
Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Cengage Gale, 2009. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements.
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