The afflicted man's companion [electronic resource] : Or, A directory for families and persons afflicted with sickness or any other distress. With directions to the sick, both under and after their affliction. Also to the friends of the sick, and others who visit them: and likewise to all how to prepare both for sickness and death, and how to be exercised at the time of dying. With a collection of the dying words of many choice and eminent saints. Necessary for families. To which are added, the dying words of the author, written by himself, and found among his papers after his death. By the Rev. Mr. John Willison, Late minister of the Gospel at Dundee.
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The afflicted man's companion [electronic resource] : Or, A directory for families and persons afflicted with sickness or any other distress. With directions to the sick, both under and after their affliction. Also to the friends of the sick, and others who visit them: and likewise to all how to prepare both for sickness and death, and how to be exercised at the time of dying. With a collection of the dying words of many choice and eminent saints. Necessary for families. To which are added, the dying words of the author, written by himself, and found among his papers after his death. By the Rev. Mr. John Willison, Late minister of the Gospel at Dundee.
Publication Details
Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789]
Place of Publication or Printing
Great Britain -- Scotland -- Glasgow.
288p. ; 12⁰.
Reproduction of original from National Library of Scotland.
Access Note
Access limited to authorized users.
Indexed In
English Short Title Catalog, T226463.
Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Cengage Gale, 2009. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements.
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