The Poor sinner's stedfast faith in Christ: or, The victory over the Devil. [electronic resource] : Giving a full and true account of one Sarah Barber, lately living in Old Grave-lane, in the Parish of St. Dunstan's Stepney, near Ratcliff-highway, over-against the Three Black-birds, who was tempted by the devil on the 27th day of September last, but more especially on Saturday night past he appear'd to her again, in the shape of a middle-aged man, in a darksih-brown coat with his hat slapping about his ears; shewing her several bags of money, tempting her to forsake God, to follow him and his counsel, and he would supply all her wants: But she having a stedfast faith in Christ, she made him this answer, get thee behind me Satan, for thou was a liar from the beginning, and so continues to this very day. I value not thy gold nor sivler, nor what thou canst do to me in this world, for I hope in Jesus Christ that he will be my support and defence. Whereupon the Rev. Mr. Thomas Dodds, and the Rev. Mr. Richard Pritchet, ministers of Stepney, came and prayed by her, begging of Almighty God to enable her to overcome the temptation of the Devil. To which is added, a sermon, preached upon that occasion, also, prayers to be used in time of sickness and temptations of the Devil, and for to trust in God.
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The Poor sinner's stedfast faith in Christ: or, The victory over the Devil. [electronic resource] : Giving a full and true account of one Sarah Barber, lately living in Old Grave-lane, in the Parish of St. Dunstan's Stepney, near Ratcliff-highway, over-against the Three Black-birds, who was tempted by the devil on the 27th day of September last, but more especially on Saturday night past he appear'd to her again, in the shape of a middle-aged man, in a darksih-brown coat with his hat slapping about his ears; shewing her several bags of money, tempting her to forsake God, to follow him and his counsel, and he would supply all her wants: But she having a stedfast faith in Christ, she made him this answer, get thee behind me Satan, for thou was a liar from the beginning, and so continues to this very day. I value not thy gold nor sivler, nor what thou canst do to me in this world, for I hope in Jesus Christ that he will be my support and defence. Whereupon the Rev. Mr. Thomas Dodds, and the Rev. Mr. Richard Pritchet, ministers of Stepney, came and prayed by her, begging of Almighty God to enable her to overcome the temptation of the Devil. To which is added, a sermon, preached upon that occasion, also, prayers to be used in time of sickness and temptations of the Devil, and for to trust in God.
Publication Details
[Newcastle upon Tyne? : s.n., between ca. 1750 and 1790?]
Place of Publication or Printing
Great Britain -- England -- Newcastle upon Tyne.
8 p. : 1 ill. ; 8⁰
Woodcut on p. 6 included in 'Specimens of early wood engraving: being impressions of wood-cuts from the collection of Mr. Charnley, Newcastle' (1858)
Reproduction of original from Bodleian Library (Oxford).
Reproduction of original from Bodleian Library (Oxford).
Access Note
Access limited to authorized users.
Indexed In
English Short Title Catalog, T300522.
Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Cengage Gale, 2009. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements.
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