@article{669411, recid = {669411}, title = {The One thing needful discovered; or, Which is the best religion Being a serious enquiry what church or communion is best and latest to join with, in order to obtain everlasting life: in which are truly and fairly stated the different principles of most professions in the Church of Christ, viz. that of Rome, England, Presbyterians, independants, Anabaptists, Quakers, Arians, Sociniaas, Arminians pelagians, Muggletonians, libertines, ranters, adamites, and seekers: there are the fifteen opinions dividing the Church of Christ. In a dialogue between the bishop of London and a country farmer. Licensed and entered according to order. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {s.n.,}, address = {[Newcastle upon Tyne? :}, pages = {8 p. :}, year = {1740}, note = {Woodcut on t.p. included in 'Specimens of early wood engraving: being impressions of wood-cuts from the collection of Mr. Charnley, Newcastle' (1858)}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/669411}, }