@article{672161, recid = {672161}, author = {Cibber, Colley,}, title = {The secret history of Arlus and Odolphus, ministers of state to the Empress of Grandinsula. In which are discover'd the labour'd artifices formerly us'd for the removal of Arlus, and the true causes of his late restoration, upon the dismission of Odolphus and the quinquinvirate. Humbly offer'd to those good people of Grandisula, who have not yet done wond'ring, why that princess wou'd change of notable a ministry. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {s.n.],}, address = {[London :}, pages = {[2],37,[1]p. ;}, year = {1710}, note = {"Advertised as 'by Mr Cibber' at the end of Parnell, Poems on several occasions, 1726" (NCBEL, v.2, 778).}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/672161}, }