@article{673179, recid = {673179}, author = {Tennent, John,}, title = {Physical enquiries Discovering the mode of translation in the constitutions of northern inhabitants, on going to, and for some time after arriving in southern climates: an error of the college of physicians in recommending vinegar to His Majesty's fleet in the West-Indies, to prevent the epidemic fever there so fatal to britons: The deadly effect of all acids in that case, whether used for cure or prevention: a plain easy method both to prevent and cure that disease: and the barren state of useful physical knowledge, as well as the mercenary practice of physicians, by an impartial state of Dr. Ward's qualifications for the practice of physic, and by his pernicious progress with medicinal secrets. Illustrated with remarks upon a printed letter to a member of Parliament, signed philanthropos. Dedicated to the Right Honourable William Pulteney, Esq; By John Tennet, M.D. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {Printed by T. Gardner, near Temple Bar, and sold by Andrew Millar, bookseller, opposite St. Clement's Church in the Strand, and John Millan, near Wills's Coffee House, Charing Cross,}, address = {London :}, pages = {[10],69,[1]p. ;}, year = {1742}, note = {Reproduction of original from "Department of Special Collections, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas".}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/673179}, }