

v. 1. The path to power (c1982)
v. 2. Means of ascent (c1990)
v. 3. Master of the Senate (c2002)
v. 4. Passage of power (c2012).

v. 1. The path to power. pt. 1. The trap
The Bunton strain
The people's party
The Johnson strut
The father and mother
The son
"The best man I ever knew"
"The bottom of the heap"
pt. 2. Escape
"Bull" Johnson
The rich man's daughter
White stars and black stars
"A very unusual ability"
pt. 3. Sowing
On his way
The New Deal
The boss of the little Congress
In tune
Lady Bird
"Put them to work!"
The dam
pt. 4. Reaping
The first campaign
From the forks of the creeks
Balancing the books
The tenth district
The sad irons
"I'll get it for you"
pt. 5. New fields
Mr. Johnson goes to Washington
A contract and three telegrams
Campaign committee
The Munsey Building
Through the back door
pt. 6. Defeat
"Pass the biscuits, Pappy"
"I want to see Lyndon"
"Mister Speaker"
The "perfect Roosevelt man."

v. 2. Means of ascent. Ends and means
pt. 1. "Too slow"
Going back
All quiet on the Western front
In the Pacific
Lady Bird
Marking time
Buying and selling
One of a crowd
pt. 2. The old and the new
The story of Coke Stevenson
Head start
The flying windmill
All or nothing
The stealing
Lists of names
Qualities of leadership
The making of a legend
A love story
Three rings.

v. 3. The presence of fire
pt. 1. The dam. The desks of the Senate
"Great things are underway!"
Seniority and the South
pt. 2. Learning. A hard path
The path ahead
"The right size"
A Russell of the Russells of Georgia
"We of the South"
Thirtieth place
Lyndon Johnson and the liberal
The hearing
The debate
"No time for a siesta"
Out of the crowd
pt. 3. Looking for it. No choice
The general and the senator
The "nothing job"
The Johnson ranch
The orator of the dawn
The whole stack
pt. 4. Using it. Masterstrokes
Tail-gunner Joe
The "Johnson rule"
The leader
"Zip, zip"
"Go ahead with the blue"
The program with a heart
pt. 5. The great cause. The rising tide
The compassion of Lyndon Johnson
"Proud to be of assistance"
The "working up"
Hells Canyon
"You do it"
Yeas and nays
pt. 6. After the battle. Three more years
The last caucus.

v. 4. Passage of power. "What the hell's the presidency for?"
pt. 1. Johnson vs. Kennedy : 1960. The prediction
The rich man's son
Forging chains
The back stairs
The "LBJ Special"
pt. 2. "Rufus Cornpone". "Power is where power goes"
Genuine warmth
Gestures and tactics
The protégé
pt. 3. Dallas. The cubicle
Taking charge
pt. 4. Taking command. Aboard Air Force One
Three encounters
The drums
pt. 5. To become a president. EOB 274
The Warren Commission
The Southern strategy
"Old Harry"
"The Johnsons in Johnson City"
"Old Harry" II
In the books of law
Defeating despair
Hammer blows
Long enough.

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