@article{675524, note = {Dedication signed and dated: R.G. Battle. July 19. 1791.}, author = {Battle, Robert Gray.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/675524}, title = {Battle's hull directory, for the year 1791, Containing an alphabetical list of the [J]ames and residence of the representatives in Parliament-mayor, recorder, aldermen, sheriff, and subordinate officers of the corporation - of the bankers, merchants, tradesmen, principal inhabitants, officers of the Customs, Excise, &c. [l]ist of governor's &c. of the work house - the corporation of the Trinity-House, Dock Company, governors, &c. of the general infirmary list of the underwriters, policy brokers, agents to the Fire officers, &c. Quarter sessions at Hull, time of the post coming and going, &c. List of the coasting vessels, market boats, &c. Time when the coaches, diligences, carriers, &c. come in and return, the inns they use, &c. Time of the boats leaving Hull and returning from Barton, calculated with exactitude for every day in the year: with the stamp and window duty. To which is added, a directory for beverley. To be continued annually. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {Printed by J. and W. Rawson, for the editor, and sold by him at his house in Manor-Alley; also by T. Browne and R. Millson, Booksellers; G.W. Browne, stationer and bookbinder; and at the Printing-Office in Bishop-lane,}, recid = {675524}, pages = {88p. ;}, address = {Hull :}, year = {1791}, }