@article{678780, recid = {678780}, author = {Warner, William, and Hanna, Andrew, and Herty, Thomas,}, title = {The militia law of the state of Maryland, complete being comprised under the regulations made relative thereto, by the Declaration of Rights--the Constitution and form of government--the laws passed on that subject agreeably to the acts of Congress--and the supplementar act, passed November session, 1798. To which is annexed, Baron Stuben's Manual exercise. [Two lines from the Declaration of Rights]. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {Printed for Thomas Herty, by Warner & Hanna,}, address = {--Baltimore :}, pages = {24p. ;}, year = {1799}, note = {Bookseller's advertisements, p. [2] and 24.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/678780}, }