@article{679686, recid = {679686}, title = {A New entertainment, by Messrs. L'Égalité. The very extraordinary spectacle that is exhibited by Citizen Sans Culotte and Mr. L'Aristocrate, having been received with the applause and admiration of the public, the author of these singular pieces of mechanism, whilst he conceals his name, gives notice; that intending shortly to go to New-York, this curiosity is to be displayed every day ... [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {s.n,}, address = {[Philadelphia :}, pages = {1 sheet ;}, year = {1795}, note = {Advertising an exhibition of two automata. "These two artificial men, who are of the ordinary size of man, perform feats of dexterity, that surpass nature itself." - Imprint supplied by Evans.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/679686}, }