@article{682466, recid = {682466}, author = {Bull, George, and Fleet, Thomas,}, title = {A discourse concerning the spirit of God in the faithful how, and in what manner it doth bear witness with their spirits, that they are the children of God; and what degree of hope or persuasion concerning their adoption, this witness of the spirit doth ordinarily produce in the faithful. By George Bull, D.D. late Lord Bishop of St. David's. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {Re-printed, and sold by Thomas Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill,}, address = {Boston :}, pages = {[4],ii,21,[1]p. ;}, year = {1740}, note = {Half-title: Bishop Bull's discourse concerning the spirit of God in the faithful.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/682466}, }