Table of Contents
Narrative bias
The common belief fallacy
The Benjamin Franklin effect
The post hoc fallacy
The halo effect
Ego depletion
The misattribution of arousal
The illusion of external agency
The backfire effect
Pluralistic ignorance
The no true Scotsman fallacy
The illusion of asymmetric insight
Enclothed cognition
The sunk cost fallacy
The overjustification effect
The self-enhancement bias.
Narrative bias
The common belief fallacy
The Benjamin Franklin effect
The post hoc fallacy
The halo effect
Ego depletion
The misattribution of arousal
The illusion of external agency
The backfire effect
Pluralistic ignorance
The no true Scotsman fallacy
The illusion of asymmetric insight
Enclothed cognition
The sunk cost fallacy
The overjustification effect
The self-enhancement bias.