

but not free
Culture behind barbed wire
Autonomy and emigration
Yekkes and Ostjuden
Victims and defeated
The establishment of Jewish life
Ernest Landau: the first days of freedom
Julius Spokojny: Zionist activist in the DP camp
Arno Lustiger: keeping the memory alive
Norbert Wollheim: Jewish autonomy in the British zone
Heinz Galinski: new beginning of Jewish life in Berlin
Estrongo Nachama: the singer of Auschwitz
Nathan Peter Levinson: the functions of a rabbi in postwar Germany.

Josef Warscher: from Buchenwald to Stuttgart
Wolf Weil: a "Schindler Jew" in the Bavarian Province
Arno Hamburger: coming home in the uniform of the Jewish brigade
David Schuster: restoration of a small Jewish community
Simon Snopkowski: the Jewish Student Association
Lilli Marx: renewal of the German-Jewish Press
E.G. Lowenthal: on behalf of the Jewish aid organization.

From Auerbach to Nachmann
Demographic development
On the other side of the wall
Jewish identity in postwar Germany
Religious and cultural life
Jewish culture without Jews?
Interview with Ignatz Bubis, president of the Central Council of the Jews in Germany, on the situation of German Jewry (July 1994).

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