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Pt. I. Farm and food policy run amok : Get those boys off the farm!
Pt. II. Consolidating every link in the food chain : The junk food pushers ; Walmarting the food chain
Pt. III. The produce and organics industries: putting profits before people : The green giant doesn't live in California anymore ; Organic food: the paradox
Pt. IV. Deregulating food safety : Poisoning people ; Animals on drugs
Pt. V. The story of factory farms : Cowboys versus meatpackers: the last roundup ; Hogging the profits ; Modern-day serfs ; Milking the system
Pt. VI. Corporate control of the gene pool: the theft of life : Life for sale : the birth of life science companies ; David versus Goliath ; The future of food: science fiction or nature?
Pt. VII. Building the political power to challenge the foodopoly : Eat and act your politics ; The way forward.

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