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Introduction : a user's guide to soils, climate, and society / Sue Eileen Hayes and John D. Wingard
Population estimates for anthropogenically enriched soils (Amazonian dark earths) / William I. Woods, William M. Denevan, and Lilian Rebellato
Soilscape legacies : historical and emerging consequences of socioecological interactions in Honduras / E. Christian Wells, Karla L. Davis-Salazar, and David D. Kuehn
Drought, subsistence stress, and population dynamics : assessing Mississippian abandonment of the Vacant Quarter / Scott C. Meeks and David G. Anderson
Mimbres mogollon farming : estimating prehistoric agricultural production during the classic Mimbres period / Michael D. Pool
So who's counting? : modeling pre-Columbian agricultural potential in the Maya world / Sue Eileen Hayes
Tilling the fields and building the temples : assessing the relationship among land, labor, and classic Maya elite power in the Copán Valley, Honduras / John D. Wingard
An EPIC challenge : estimating site population in south coastal Peru / Sue Eileen Hayes
Feeding the masses : new perspectives on Maya agriculture from Cerén, El Salvador / Christine C. Dixon
How can we know? : the epistemological foundation of ecological modeling in archaeology / Sissel Schroeder.

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