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Production of thermostable DNA polymerase suitable for whole-blood polymerase chain reaction / A.S. Korovashkina ... [et al.]
Isolation, purification, and some properties of L-lysine a-oxidase from trichoderm? sp. 6 / K.V. Makrushin ... [et al.]
Production of nitric oxide by endothelial cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1, under the influence of interferon / O.N. Scheglovitova ... [et al.]
Optimization of the process of cultivation of recombinant Escherichia coli TBI protein producing strain / N.I. Akulova ... [et al.]
Obtaining and properties of intracellular aminoacylase Escherichia coli / H.S. Yepremyan
Development of HRP-functionalized carbon-coated iron nanoparticales using arenediazonium tosilates / Alexandra G. Pershinal ... [et al.]
Experimental approach to the induction of nonculturable state of lactococcus lactis / Pakhomov Yu.D. ... [et al.]
Callus culture technology of spring soft wheat stress tolerant varieties selection / V.Ju. Stupko, N.V. Zobova
Structural investigation of the interaction between bovine serum albumin and acid gelatin in water / Y.A. Antonov, I.L. Zhuravleva, I.G. Plaschina
The effect of nano- and microparticles on phase separation and the structure of semidilute biopolymer mixtures / Y.A. Antonov
Adsorption behaviour of 5-methylresorcinol and its mixtures with lysozyme at air/water interface / E.I. Martirosova, I.G. Plashchina
New probiotic product for prevention and treatment of enteritis and respiratory diseases of farm stock / N.V. Sverchkova ... [et al.]
Prebiotics extraction from Valeriana officinalis L. extraction cake / E.V. Ozhimkova ... [et al.]
Variations in physical-chemical properties of block-copolymer chitosan with methyl acrylate during biodegradation under the action of aspergillus terreus / V.F. Uryash ... [et al.]
The destrction of the compositions based on chitosan copolymers with acrylic monomers by micromycetes / K.A. Zotov ... [et al.]
Brassinosteroids as possible nanoregulators of biological systems / Mikhail A. Egorov
The possibility of use of extracts from higher hydrophytes and geophytes of the Astrakhan region for the needs of cosmetology / Oxana V. Astafieva, Olga V. Novichenko, Mikhail A. Egorov
Antioxidantive activity of dry and germinated seeds of agricultural cultures / Z.G. Kozlova and N.D. Shaskolskaya
Filamentous fungi of waste biomass of higher water plants / S.I. Kukanova ... [et al.]
Purification of kaolin of different grades with application of silicate microorganisms / L.I. Zaynitdinova ... [et al.]
Influence of verbactin preparation on microbiological activity of irrigated serozyon soils / G.D. Zolotilina ... [et al.]
Features of teaching of the ecological right at saving biodiversity of Sochi Black Sea coast / A.A. Rybalko
Clonal mmicropropagation endemic of the northern caucasus mentha longifolia (L.) huds / A.E. Rybalko A.E., S.L. Gubaz
Biotechnology for landscape construction in Russian subtropics / A.E. Rybalko ... [et al.]
Tasks for training of specialists for biotechnology in the educational process in the Sochi branch of People's Friendship University in the area of environmental problems in the region / N.I. Kozlowa ... [et al.].

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