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Radioactive waste / Paolo Finocchiaro
Radioactive waste from research reactor operation and decommissioning / J.G. Marques, A. Kling, and others
Promising analytical techniques for HLW analysis / A.V. Legin, D.O. Kirsanov, V.A. Babain, L.N. Gall, N.R. Gall
Treatment of high-level radioactive waste arising from pyroprocessing and its waste form / Amamoto Ippei
Sources of radioactive contamination of frozen taiga landscapes in southern Yakutia / A.P. Chevychelov, P.I. Sobakin
Cementitious wasteforms for immobilization of low-activity radioactive wastes / Dawn M. Wellman, Chase C. Bovaird, Kent E. Parker, Shas V. Mattigod, Libby N. Clayton, Laura Powers, Marcus I. Wood, and others
Highly radioactive waste disposal: a global concern / Kenneth A. Rogers.

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