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Theatre Companies before the Revolution
Revolutionary American Drama and Theatre
Early Republican Drama
The Politics of Antebellum Melodrama
Minstrelsy and Uncle Tom
Representing Ethnic Identity on the Antebellum Stage, 1825-61
Antebellum Plays by Women Contexts and Themes
Reform Drama
Antebellum Frontier and Urban Plays, 1825-60
Late Melodrama
A New Realism
American Musical Theatre, 1870-1945
The New Woman, the Suffragist, and the Stage
The Rise of African American Drama, 1822-79
The Provincetown Players in American Culture
Eugene O'Neill
Naturalism and Expressionism in American Drama
American Political Drama, 1910-45
The Federal Theatre Project
African American Drama, 1910-45
Arthur Miller, A Radical Politics of the Soul
Tennessee Williams and the Winemiller Inheritance
Experimental Theatre Beyond Illusion
Post-World War II African American Theatre
The Postwar Musical
Postwar Protest Plays
Feminist Drama
Postwar Drama and Technology
Drama and the New Sexualities
Political Drama
Ethnicity and Postwar Drama
Running Lines Narratives of Twenty-First-Century American Theatre

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