

Ra (Helios) : god of radiance
The great Pesedjet : a hierarchy of gods
Set (Seth) : envious god
Aset (Isis) : devoted wife and mother
Usir (Osiris) : god of the afterlife
Nebet Hut (Nephthys) : goddess of service
Heru Sa Aset (Horus the Younger) : young warrior god and king
Inpu (Anubis) : god of mummification
Teffnut (Tphenis) : goddess of moisture
The great Nile : the source of so much
Tehuti (Thoth) : god of knowledge
Heru Wer (Horus the Elder) : winged sun disk and protector of Egypt
Hut Heru (Hathor) : goddess of delights
Sekhmet (Sachmis) : goddess of vengeance
Nit (Neith) : warrior goddess and weaver of the cosmos
Khnum (Chnoumis) : god of the potter's wheel
Sobek (Souchos) : crocodile god
Bastet (Bast) : cat goddess
Funeral rites : the importance of preparation and judgment
Imhotep (Imuthes) : god of medicine and architecture
Map of ancient Egypt
Time line of ancient Egypt
Cast of characters.

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