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"That ill-rumoured and evilly-shawdowed seaport": Ramsey Campbell's Lovecraftian secret histories of Liverpool / Andy Sawyer
"A puppet's parody of joy": dolls, puppets, and mannikins as diabolical other in Ramsey Campbell / Leigh Blackmore
Ramsey Campbell adn the twenty-first-century weird tale / Richard Bleiler
An archaeology of urban dread: the short fiction of Ramsey Campbell / James Goho
Glimpses of absolute power: Ramsey Campbell's concept of evil / Simon MacCulloch
Master and pupil: August Derleth and Ramsey Campbell's first book / S.T. Joshi
Mastering Darkness: an interview with Ramsey Campbell / Stefan Dziemianowicz
Grinning in the dark: the humor of Ramsey Campbell / John Llewellyn Propbert
A local afterlife / Joel Lane
What develops in the darkest rooms of the mind: the photographic technique in Nazareth Hill and the Seven Days of Cain / Anthony J. Fonseca
A religion of his own making: Peter in obsession / Gary William Crawford.

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