

The land of Nubia / Peter Lacovara
The history of Nubia / Marjorie M. Fisher
The early exploration and archaeology of Nubia / Peter Lacovara. Sidelight: the treasure of a Nubian queen / Peter Lacovara and Yvonne J. Markowitz
Saving Nubia's legacy / Zahi Hawass
Archaeological salvage in the fourth cataract, northern Sudan (1991-2008) / Geoff Emberling
The art and architecture of early Nubia: the A-Group to the Kerma culture / Peter Lacovara
The art and architecture of Nubia during the New Kingdom: Egypt in Nubia / Marjorie M. Fisher. Sidelight : Akhenaten in Nubia / W. Raymond Johnson
The art and architecture of Kushite Nubia / Peter Lacovara
The art and architecture of Meroitic Nubia / David O'Connor
Kings and kingship in ancient Nubia / Robert G. Morkot
Nubian religion / Janice W. Yellin
Burial customs in ancient Nubia / Peter Lacovara and Christian Knoblauch
Texts and writing in ancient Nubia / Susan K. Doll
Daily life in ancient Nubia / Peter Lacovara
Women in ancient Nubia / Joyce Haynes and Mimi Santini-Ritt
Nubian adornment / Yvonne J. Markowitz
Nubian ceramics / Christian Knoblauch and Peter Lacovara
From food to furniture: animals in ancient Nubia / Salima Ikram
Gebel Qeili / Peter Lacovara
Naqa / Janice W. Yellin
Musawwarat al-Sufra / Claudia Näser
Wad ban Naqa / Janice W. Yellin
Al-Hobagi / Janice W. Yellin
Muweis / Janice W. Yellin
Al-Hassa / Janice W. Yellin
Hamadab / Janice W. Yellin
Meroe / Janice W. Yellin
Dangeil / Janice W. Yellin
Nuri / Susan K. Doll
Gebel Barkal / Joyce Haynes and Mimi Santini-Ritt
Al-Kurru / Peter Lacovara
Kawa / Robert G. Morkot
Tabo / Robert G. Morkot
Kerma / Charles Bonnet
Tombos / Janice W. Yellin
Nauri / Marjorie M. Fisher
Sesebi / Robert G. Morkot
Soleb / Marjorie M. Fisher
Sedeinga / Robert G. Morkot
Sai Island / Janice W. Yellin
Amara West / Robert G. Morkot
Gammai / Peter Lacovara
Gebel Sheikh Suleiman / Christian Knoblauch
Second cataract forts / Bruce Williams
The C-Group in Lower Nubia / Claudia Näser
Qustul / Peter Lacovara
Ballana / Peter Lacovara and Salima Ikram
Abu Simbel / Marjorie M. Fisher
Arminna West and Arminna East / Janice W. Yellin
Toshka East and Toshka West / Janice W. Yellin
Qasr Ibrim / Pamela J. Rose
Karanog / Janice W. Yellin
Derr / Marjorie M. Fisher
Amada / Robert G. Morkot
Wadi al-Sebua / Marjorie M. Fisher
Maharraqa / Peter Lacovara
Dakka / Peter Lacovara
Gerf Hussein / Marjorie M. Fisher
Dendur / Sue D'Auria
Beit al-Wali / Marjorie M. Fisher
Kalabsha / Peter Lacovara
Taffeh / Elizabeth Cummins
Qertassi / Peter Lacovara
Debod / Sue D'Auria
Philae / Sue D'Auria
Elephantine and Aswan / Salima Ikram and Christian Knoblauch.

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