

1. Invasion : The far shore ; First tide ; Hell's Beach ; A conqueror's paradise
2. Lodgement : "This long thin line of personal anguish" ; A gunman's world ; Terror is broken by terror ; How easy it is to make a ghost
3. Liberation : A monstrous blood-mill ; The bright day grew dark ; Ministers of thy chastisement ; The loveliest story of our time
4. Pursuit : "The huntsman is hungry" ; The Avenue of Stenches ; "Harden the heart and let fly"
5. Against the west wall : "Five barley loaves and three small fishes" ; Every village a fortress ; A market and a garden ; The arrow that flieth by day
6. The implicated woods : Charlemagne's tomb ; "Do not let us pretend we are all right" ; The worst place of any
7. The flutter of wings : A town too small for the tragedy ; Faith in a friendly universe ; To the land of doom ; "Providence decrees and we must obey"
8. A winter shadow : "We are all so human that it is pitiful" ; Staking everything on one card ; The light line ; "Go easy, boys. There's danger ahead"
9. The Bulge : A rendezvous in some flaming town ; "Why are you not packing?" ; War in the raw ; Glory has its price ; The agony grapevine
10. Argonauts : Citizens of the world ; A fateful conference ; "Only our eyes are alive"
11. Crossings : The inner door to Germany ; Two if by sea ; "The enemy has reason to fear him" ; Lovers' quarrels are a part of love
12. Victory : Mark of the beast ; Dragon country ; "God, where are you?" ; A great silence.

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