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Chapter 1 Overview of Issues Related to Serving Asian and Asian American Clients.-1.1 Introduction
1.2 Cultural Competence
1.3 Who are Asian Americans ?
1.4 Cultural variables that influence neuropsychological services
1.4.1 Client Characteristics
1.4.2 Variables related to tests and test batteries
1.5 Conclusions
1.6 References
Chapter 2 Ethical considerations in neuropsychological assessment of Asian heritage clients
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The importance of values in cross-cultural neuropsychology practice
2.3 Culturally invariant ethical and moral principles
2.4 Internationalization of psychological ethics
2.5 Neuropsychology and the Interpreter
2.5.1 Use of interpreters
2.5.2 Ethical duties of the Interpreter
2.6 Some Issues Pertaining to Specific Ethical Standards
2.6.1 Competency
2.6.2 Informed consent and confidentiality
2.6.3 Assessment procedures
2.7 Some summary considerations
2.8 References
Chapter 3 Linguistic Factors and Language Assessment of Asians
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Theoretical foundations in linguistic science
3.2.1 The Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
3.2.2 The Critical Period Hypothesis
3.2.3 Language and linguistic features defined
3.2.4 Native versus non-native languages
3.2.5 L1 interference and transfer
3.2.6 Interlanguage and fossilization
3.3 Features of English that frequently pose problems to L2 speakers
3.3.1 Pronunciation: Consonants
3.3.2 Pronunciation: Vowels
3.3.3 Pronunciation: Supra-segmental phonology
3.3.4 Lexicon: Native and borrowed vocabulary
3.3.5 Lexicon: Noun characteristics
3.3.6 Morpho-syntax: Prepositions
3.3.7 Morphosyntax: Subject/verb agreement
3.4 Case studies of two Asian languages
3.4.1 Case study: Chinese
3.4.2 Case Study: Japanese
3.5 Testing English proficiency
3.6 Asian Englishes
3.7 Conclusions
3.8 References
Chapter 4 Society and Acculturation in Asian American Communities
4.1 Asian Philosophies and Religions
4.1.1 Confucianism
4.1.2 Taoism
4.1.3 Buddhism
4.2 Values, Beliefs, Emotions, and Interpersonal Behaviors of Asians
4.2.1 Valuing learning and education
4.2.2 Family orientation
4.2.3 Interdependency
4.2.4 Power distance
4.2.5 Face saving
4.2.6 Indirectness in communication
4.2.7 Avoid going to extremes and moderate emotions
4.2.8 Acceptance of contradictions, and mixed emotions
4.2.9 Suppression of emotional expression
4.3 Holistic thinking and test performance
4.4 Response biases
4.5 Acculturation
4.5.1 Acculturation Theory and Measurement
4.5.2 Acculturation Assessment
4.6 Conclusions
4.7 References
Chapter 5 Mental Illness from an Asian American Perspective
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Prevalence rate of Mental Illness in Asia
5.3 Nosology and the medical model
5.4 The role of Eastern philosophies
5.5 Morita Therapy
5.6 Caveat
5.7 References
Chapter 6 Understanding Differences in Cognition across the Lifespan: Comparing Eastern and Western Cultures
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Developmental Differences in Children and Adolescents
6.2.1 Academic Achievement
6.2.2 Cognitive Functioning
6.2.3 Social Cognition
6.2.4 Adaptive Functioning
6.2.5 Additional Influences on Culture-Based Differences in Cognitive Development
6.3 Differences in Cognition in Mature Adults
6.3.1 Academic Achievement
6.3.2 Cognitive Functioning
6.3.3 Visual Perception
6.3.4 Social Cognition
6.3.5 Influences Related to Individualism vs. Collectivism
6.4 Differences in cognition in older adults
6.5 Influence of Acculturation, Language, and Related Factors on Test Performance
6.6 Conclusions
6.7 References
Chapter 7 Understanding the Neuroscience of Clients with Asian Heritage. 7.1 Cultural Neuroscience
7.2 The Influence of Culture on Psychological Processes
7.2.1 Perception
7.2.3 Attention
7.2.4 Arithmetic
7.2.5 Language
7.2.6 Independence and Interdependence
7.2.7 Emotion and Emotion Regulation
7.2.8 Conclusion
7.3 Structural and Functional MRI
7.3.1 Structural MRI and Ethnicity
7.3.2 Functional MRI and Ethnicity
7.4 Conclusion
7.5 References
Chapter 8 Clinical Interviewing and Qualitative Assessment with Asian Heritage Clients
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Socio-cultural factors influencing the presentation of Asian Americans
8.2.1 Perception of psychological problems and services
8.2.2 The collectivist orientation and family system
8.2.3 Emphasis on modesty and courtesy
8.2.4 Respect for authority
8.3 Strategies in working with Asian Americans in neuropsychological interviews and qualitative assessment
8.3.1 General objectives in conducting a culturally-sensitive clinical interview and qualitative assessment
8.3.2 Assessing the need for a referral and making one when appropriate
8.3.3 Thorough briefing of the interpreter, if using one is absolutely necessary
8.3.4 Investing an effort in getting information and soliciting support from the family in rehabilitation plans
8.3.5 Taking the time to explain the neuropsychological evaluation
8.3.6 Working with the role-bound respect for authority
8.3.7 Creating an open environment for honest communication while maintaining harmony
8.3.8 Differentiating aptitude, opportunities, and cultural expectations in assessing attainment
8.3.9 Asking for clarification and cultural education from the patient and the family
8.3.10 Prudent adaptation of standardized tests to provide qualitative data
8.3.11 Development of a more flexible approach in neuropsychological assessment
8.4 Conclusions
8.5 Acknowledgement
8.6 References
Chapter 9 Neuropsychological Test Selection with Clients who are Asian
9.1 Test Selection Issues for Neuropsychological Assessment
9.2 Language
9.2.1 Language Proficiency
9.2.2 Language Minimized/Nonverbal Tests
9.2.3 Adaptation of Existing Tests with Language Loading
9.2.4 Use of Interpreters as a Modification
9.3 Acculturation
9.3.1 Culture Specific Issues
9.4 Tests Standardized with or Developed for Asian Populations
9.5 Discussion and Conclusion
9.6 References
Chapter 10 What Do We Need to Know before Serving Asian and Asian American Clients?
10.1 Take home points
10.2 Importance of a multimethod approach
10.3 Conclusions
10.4 References

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